Loopt educates over 1,200 Portland students at Vision 2030
Loopt Foundation partnered with founder, Looptworks, to educate over 1,200 Portland students how to transform their clothes into a force for good at Vision 2030 events.
Students at Roseway Heights learning about upcycling
The Vision 2030 Team, includes teachers, volunteers and nonprofit and governmental organizations who support a local, place-based approach to educate middle and high school students about our region’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 50 percent from 1990 levels by 2030.
Since 2019, they have developed locally relevant lessons on climate solutions, service-learning offerings, and information about workforce opportunities. They also present all-day Climate Solutions Fairs in middle schools. This year, fairs were held in three public schools: Roseway Heights, Robert Gray, and Parkrose Middle School in partnership with Portland Public Schools, Parkrose School District, the City of Portland, and other organizations.
Loopt was honored to participate at the Parkrose Middle School and Roseway Heights fairs in late April. We partnered with Looptworks to showcase methods of extending the life of clothing including giving to family and friends, selling, donating, upcycling into something new, and recycling.
Climate Solutions Fairs highlight the inspiring climate solutions in our region’s Climate Action Plan and the community service activities and jobs that bring these solutions to life. Students visit multiple exhibits during the fair to learn about a range of climate solutions including energy efficiency, green building, renewable power, sustainable fashion, and reducing waste.
Portland recorded its highest ever temperature for the month of April the date of the Roseway Heights fair, reinforcing to students the need for climate solutions.
Thanks to Sage, for managing the Vision 2030 Team and inviting us to the events. They are an incredible nonprofit organization that inspires people to give forward with their time, money, and voice so that future generations can thrive.